Unlocking Early Retirement: 401k Strategies for a Penalty-Free Exit!

Early Retirement

How To Early Retirement At Age 55 By Jeremy Reif, CRPS Are you dreaming of an early retirement? This is not about 59 ½.  How about earlier, at age 55? Let this be the introduction to some strategies that can help you unlock the door to financial freedom. Retire at age 55 without facing those […]

Making Sense of Roth IRAs: A Guide to Choosing the Right Retirement Plan for You

401k roth ira

Understanding Roth IRAs by, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Is Roth IRAs the right choice for you? This article will help guide you through the decision-making process and help you understand if a Roth IRA is the right retirement plan for you. Instead of diving right into the decision-making process, it is first more important to understand […]

Roth IRA For My Children, Too Good To Be True

Roth ira for children

The Benefits and Strategies of Starting a Roth IRA For My Children By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS If you haven’t heard of a Roth IRA by now, you must be living under a rock.  Let’s discuss a new twist to investing in a Roth IRA.  Knowing what you know now, do you wish that you had […]

The 6 Benefits of a 529 Plan for College Savings

529 Plan

Benefits and Considerations Of A 529 Plan And The Alternatives By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Researching and checking out 529 plans?  A 529 plan could be a good idea for saving money for education expenses.  Worried about overfunding a college savings plan and then the kiddos end up not going to college? It ultimately depends on […]

Your Financial Roadmap: A Complete 9-Step Guide to Creating a Budget That Works

Comprehensive Budget

Mastering Your Finances: Creating A Comprehensive Budget to 9-Step By: Jeremy Reif, CRPS Comprehensive Budget: A budget is one of the main foundations of financial management. It enables you to take control of your money, make educated decisions, and work towards your financial goals. Believe it or not, budgets can help from saving for things […]

Harnessing Financial Expertise: The 6 Benefits of Partnering with a Financial Advisor

benefits of Retirement

Tailored Guidance and Personalized Financial Planning: 6 Reasons On Why You Should Consider Working with a Financial Advisor Are you poking around the internet and trying to piece together what to do with your own finances.  The internet and advice have changed significantly in the last 5 years.  It has become difficult to distinguish the […]

Simple Steps To Gain Financial Freedom


Money and Happiness or Broke and Frustrated: Financial Freedom By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS The media makes you feel like you have to have money in order to be successful in life or gain financial freedom, but you might also have heard the phrase that money doesn’t buy happiness. Where is the balance? For those that have […]

The Benefits of HSA Accounts: A Powerful Financial Tool for Healthcare

HSA tax free tools

  Exploring the Tax Advantages and Savings Potential of HSA tax free tools By Jeremy Reif, CRPS For those that do not know, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are tax-advantaged savings accounts specifically designed to help individuals save and pay for qualified medical expenses.  Money that is contributed to it that was not used can be […]

Why Is It Bad To Get A Tax Refund?

Tax Refund

How to Stop Overpaying Taxes and Start Keeping More of Your Money: Tax Refund By Jeremy Reif, CRPS Getting a tax refund may not necessarily be a bad thing but it’s not necessarily a good thing either.  Here are some reasons why. Opportunity costs When you receive a tax refund it means that you overpaid […]

3 Money Saving Tips 2023

money saving tips

  Three Financial Habits for Realistic Money Saving Tips By: Jeremy Reif, CRPS Here are three reasonable, simple, yet effective things you can do for your Money saving tips. These tips are doable and not pie in the sky. The internet provides us with glimmering hope that there are ways to save our own money.  […]