Maximizing Tax Advantages Through Charitable Giving: A Win-Win Strategy


I have had the privilege of working with many clients who have reached a point in their lives where they have invested their money and done well with it, been able to enjoy their preferred lifestyle, and have blessed their children financially. But they want to go further. They want to donate to charities to create a legacy and find self-fulfillment. The problem is, once you give away a large portion of your estate, it’s permanent. Many people are afraid to take the plunge even if they have noble charitable intentions. Is there a way around this?

Navigating Retirement Taxes

Navigating Retirement Taxes

Navigating Retirement Taxes Strategies for Reducing Retirement Taxes By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Are you one of those people who says you will worry about taxes later? Better yet, you will move to a state where you do not need to pay taxes on your retirement money.  If so, this article is for you. Retirement is […]

5 Tax Saving Strategies To Lower Your Tax Bill

Tax Planning Strategies

Top 5 Tax Planning Strategies by, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Spring is in the air, and tax forms are showing up in your mail and online databases.  Are you worried about that impending tax bill? You’re not alone. Many individuals find themselves scrambling to find ways to lower their tax bills as the deadline approaches. There […]