Navigating Retirement: 4 Essential Questions Answered

Exploring Key Retirement Questions for a Secure Future By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Regardless of if you are 30 or 50, the idea of retirement probably crosses your mind regularly. Once we dive into our working years, retirement becomes the ultimate goal. It’s the promise that one day we’ll be able to reap what we’ve sown […]
Navigating Financial Transitions After the Loss of a Spouse

Managing Finances in the Wake of a Spouse’s Death: Financial Transitions A financial advisor is incredibly valuable when it comes to handling your everyday money concerns and helping you plan for your future. But at the same time, there are milestone life events that can dramatically alter your financial situation. I was recently asked about […]
5 Financial Phases Of Life In Retirement

Navigating the Five Financial Phases of Retirement By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS When we’re in our working years, we think of retirement as this vague future event. We plan for retirement, save for retirement, and dream of retirement, but we often approach it as one single phase of life. But these days, since we are living […]
Navigating Retirement Taxes

Navigating Retirement Taxes Strategies for Reducing Retirement Taxes By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Are you one of those people who says you will worry about taxes later? Better yet, you will move to a state where you do not need to pay taxes on your retirement money. If so, this article is for you. Retirement is […]
Give the Gift of Financial Freedom: A Comprehensive Roth IRA Guide for Grandparents
Stop Gifting into a 529 Plan, Do A Roth IRA Instead by Jeremy Reif, CRPS Are you still giving boring CASH for Birthdays and holidays? Grandparents should change up their giving and give their grandchildren the gift of financial freedom. Look no further! This article outlines an excellent way to gift money instead of giving […]