You Go To A Doctor For Surgery, So Why Not Work With A Professional For Your Finances?

many people don’t treat their finances with the same seriousness as they do their health. Let me explain why this matters.
What to Do With Your Old 401(k) After Leaving a Job: A Comprehensive Guide

What do you do when you leave a job with a retirement plan? Do you have options for your 401(k)?
Will Taxes Go Up In The Future?

Exploring the Benefits of Roth IRA Contributions for Tax Efficiency: Will Taxes Go Up? by, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Dealing with retirement can be tricky. Will Taxes Go Up In The Future? Do you plan for the here and now and everything that goes with it or do you plan for the future and try to […]
Building Wealth Might Be Simpler Than You Think

Discover the Basic Steps to Increase Your Financial Security by: Jeremy Reif, CRPS Building wealth involves a whole lot more than just a get-rich-quick scheme or a hefty dose of good luck when chasing trends in the stock market. More often than not, it comes down to making the right financial decisions, big and small, […]
Navigating the Hype: The Truth About Financial Influencers

Understanding Financial Influencers and the Need for Caution by, Jeremy Reif, CRPS This is the tale of the double-edged sword of financial advice. Financial influencers are gaining a lot of traction on social media. The landscape in the next few years will drastically change because of influencers and the development of artificial intelligence in this […]
The Ultimate Guide to Building a Dividend And Interest Portfolio

Who Knew || Dividend Investing Explained By Jeremy Reif, CRPS Learn from our forefathers, like Warren Buffett, that there is no need to fix what is not broken. The biggest obstacles in your investment journey will be greed, emotions, and time. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just dipping your toes into the financial waters, […]
How Much Money Do You Need To Save Each Month To Reach Your Retirement Goals?

Crafting Your Ideal Retirement: Navigating the Path to Financial Freedom By Jeremy Reif, CRPS Are you worried about saving enough for your retirement? We all want to spend our golden years stress-free, enjoying the things we love. But to achieve that, we need to crack the retirement code and determine how much money we […]
Give the Gift of Financial Freedom: A Comprehensive Roth IRA Guide for Grandparents
Stop Gifting into a 529 Plan, Do A Roth IRA Instead by Jeremy Reif, CRPS Are you still giving boring CASH for Birthdays and holidays? Grandparents should change up their giving and give their grandchildren the gift of financial freedom. Look no further! This article outlines an excellent way to gift money instead of giving […]
Maximize Your Wealth: The Power of Roth IRA Conversions

Roth IRA Conversions: A Strategic Path to Amplify Your Wealth and Financial Independence By Jeremy Reif With a Roth IRA, you can make your money work harder for you. With a little planning, Roth IRAs can have the power to maximize your wealth and aid in your pursuit to secure your financial future. Starting with […]