You Go To A Doctor For Surgery, So Why Not Work With A Professional For Your Finances?

many people don’t treat their finances with the same seriousness as they do their health. Let me explain why this matters.
Understanding How Retirement Savings Relates to Retirement Spending

We are often told that we need $-X amount for a 20-year retirement, or that we should contribute $-X amount to our 401(k).
Navigating Retirement: 4 Essential Questions Answered

Exploring Key Retirement Questions for a Secure Future By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Regardless of if you are 30 or 50, the idea of retirement probably crosses your mind regularly. Once we dive into our working years, retirement becomes the ultimate goal. It’s the promise that one day we’ll be able to reap what we’ve sown […]
What to Do With Your Old 401(k) After Leaving a Job: A Comprehensive Guide

What do you do when you leave a job with a retirement plan? Do you have options for your 401(k)?
Debunking Four Common Retirement Myths

Exposing the Truth Behind Popular Retirement Misconceptions By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS With the never-ending stream of retirement advice being thrown at you, how do you know which answer is correct? Different sources will tell you different things, like when you should claim Social Security, what type of account you should use, and how much you […]
Will Taxes Go Up In The Future?

Exploring the Benefits of Roth IRA Contributions for Tax Efficiency: Will Taxes Go Up? by, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Dealing with retirement can be tricky. Will Taxes Go Up In The Future? Do you plan for the here and now and everything that goes with it or do you plan for the future and try to […]
3 Retirement Misconceptions That Could Derail Your Golden Years

Unraveling Three Common Misconceptions That Can Sabotage Your Retirement Dreams By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Retirement is arguably one of the most popular topics in the personal finance world. There is a glut of information about when to start saving, what the best strategies are, and how much you’ll need. If you do a simple search […]
Should You Make A Contribution In Traditional or Roth IRA?

Choosing Between Traditional and Roth IRA Contributions: Which is Right for You? By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Traditional vs. Roth has been debated since the Roth IRA arrived in 1998. This is almost like the age-old question, what came first, the chicken or the egg? When should you pay your taxes, now or later? Heck, […]
Maximizing Your Retirement Savings with HSAs: Unveiling the Ultimate Strategies

HSAs, An Unsung Hero For Retirement By taking advantage of HSAs, you can enjoy triple tax advantages: tax-free contributions, tax-free growth, and tax-free withdrawals for qualified medical expenses in retirement. It’s a winning formula to secure a financially stable future! At their core, HSAs are like personal savings accounts, but with a twist. They offer […]