You Go To A Doctor For Surgery, So Why Not Work With A Professional For Your Finances?

many people don’t treat their finances with the same seriousness as they do their health. Let me explain why this matters.
Strategies to Minimize Taxes in Retirement

How do I pay as little tax as possible over my lifetime?”
Understanding How Retirement Savings Relates to Retirement Spending

We are often told that we need $-X amount for a 20-year retirement, or that we should contribute $-X amount to our 401(k).
Navigating Retirement: 4 Essential Questions Answered

Exploring Key Retirement Questions for a Secure Future By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Regardless of if you are 30 or 50, the idea of retirement probably crosses your mind regularly. Once we dive into our working years, retirement becomes the ultimate goal. It’s the promise that one day we’ll be able to reap what we’ve sown […]
What to Do With Your Old 401(k) After Leaving a Job: A Comprehensive Guide

What do you do when you leave a job with a retirement plan? Do you have options for your 401(k)?
Debunking Four Common Retirement Myths

Exposing the Truth Behind Popular Retirement Misconceptions By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS With the never-ending stream of retirement advice being thrown at you, how do you know which answer is correct? Different sources will tell you different things, like when you should claim Social Security, what type of account you should use, and how much you […]
Navigating Frequent Job Changes: Multiple 401(k)s

What to Do With Multiple 401ks After a Job Change By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Gone are the days when Americans would stay in the same job for the majority of their working lives. The recent trend is to transition from job to job at an alarming rate. Americans change jobs an average of 12 times […]
Are Healthcare Costs Holding You Back From Retiring?

Healthcare Costs and Retirement By Jeremy Reif, CRPS Are you confident in your retirement savings amount, ready to take the step into retirement, or have healthcare costs issues leading you to consider retirement? Whatever your reason for wanting to retire early, many people in this situation stay in the workforce longer than they’d like […]
3 Ways To Live Well In Retirement

Thriving in Your Golden Years: 3 Essential Strategies By Jeremy Reif, CRPS®, Financial Advisor and Owner of Point Wealth Management We work so hard to get to that incredible retirement milestone we have dreamed about for years. But once we get there, then what? There’s no doubt it’s important to plan for the financial aspect […]
5 Financial Phases Of Life In Retirement

Navigating the Five Financial Phases of Retirement By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS When we’re in our working years, we think of retirement as this vague future event. We plan for retirement, save for retirement, and dream of retirement, but we often approach it as one single phase of life. But these days, since we are living […]