Death and Taxes – The Tax Trap For Successful Retirees

Successful Retirement or Tax Trap; Will You Be The One Who Pays More In Tax During Retirement? by: Jeremy Reif, CRPS If you are/were successful in your career and saved enough to retire, congratulations! The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) would also like to thank you. If you knew the tax trap existed, you might not […]
Maximizing Your Retirement Savings with HSAs: Unveiling the Ultimate Strategies

HSAs, An Unsung Hero For Retirement By taking advantage of HSAs, you can enjoy triple tax advantages: tax-free contributions, tax-free growth, and tax-free withdrawals for qualified medical expenses in retirement. It’s a winning formula to secure a financially stable future! At their core, HSAs are like personal savings accounts, but with a twist. They offer […]
5 Reasons to Consider a Roth IRA

October 31, 2017 — By Jeremy Reif, CRPS® Retirement planning is far from simple. While that may seem like a blatant understatement, it’s especially true when you start looking at all your investment options and try to determine what is right for you. By now, most of us have heard about Roth IRAs and hopefully […]
High Income Tax Strategies with Low-Cost Variable Annuities

“Optimizing High Income Tax Strategies: Leveraging Low-Cost Variable Annuities” Jeremy Reif | June 3, 2016 | In the technologically advanced age that we live in, why does every major insurance company have their advisor base-peddling their costly products? There are other options that cost significantly less, have better investment options, more investment options, no surrender penalties, and no […]