Can A Roth IRA Help You Minimize Your Tax Loss?

Dealing with retirement can be tricky. Do you plan for the here and now and everything that goes with it or do you plan for the future and try to take an educated guess as to what might happen? This is especially true when it comes to taxes. Is it better to pay taxes today under the current low rates, or pay them later when they could potentially be higher? What can you do today to lower the probability of paying those higher taxes?
Death and Taxes – The Tax Trap For Successful Retirees

Successful Retirement or Tax Trap; Will You Be The One Who Pays More In Tax During Retirement? by: Jeremy Reif, CRPS If you are/were successful in your career and saved enough to retire, congratulations! The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) would also like to thank you. If you knew the tax trap existed, you might not […]
Fix Social Security, 8 Ideas On How

8 Ideas To Fix Social Security, What Is The Government Waiting For? Years ago, when I was writing my thesis in college for my Economics degree, I wrote it on the problems that Social Security “S.S.” was facing, i.e., running out of money. I won’t reprint my original thoughts, as my thesis was extremely long, […]
Why Is It Bad To Get A Tax Refund?

How to Stop Overpaying Taxes and Start Keeping More of Your Money: Tax Refund By Jeremy Reif, CRPS Getting a tax refund may not necessarily be a bad thing but it’s not necessarily a good thing either. Here are some reasons why. Opportunity costs When you receive a tax refund it means that you overpaid […]