Navigating the Hype: The Truth About Financial Influencers

Understanding Financial Influencers and the Need for Caution by, Jeremy Reif, CRPS This is the tale of the double-edged sword of financial advice. Financial influencers are gaining a lot of traction on social media. The landscape in the next few years will drastically change because of influencers and the development of artificial intelligence in this […]
The Ultimate Guide to Building a Dividend And Interest Portfolio

Who Knew || Dividend Investing Explained By Jeremy Reif, CRPS Learn from our forefathers, like Warren Buffett, that there is no need to fix what is not broken. The biggest obstacles in your investment journey will be greed, emotions, and time. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just dipping your toes into the financial waters, […]
Give the Gift of Financial Freedom: A Comprehensive Roth IRA Guide for Grandparents
Stop Gifting into a 529 Plan, Do A Roth IRA Instead by Jeremy Reif, CRPS Are you still giving boring CASH for Birthdays and holidays? Grandparents should change up their giving and give their grandchildren the gift of financial freedom. Look no further! This article outlines an excellent way to gift money instead of giving […]
The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up a Roth IRA for Your Kids

Set Your Children Up For Success, Kids Investing In Roth IRA by: Jeremy Reif, CRPS In a recent client meeting, I was introducing one of my business owner clients to a CPA. During this meeting, we were talking about tax opportunities and ended up on the subject of funding Roth IRAs for their children. My […]