How Do You Know If You Need A Financial Plan?

Retirement Blueprint

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Retirement Blueprint
Retirement Blueprint

Do You Need a Financial Plan? Here’s How to Tell

By, Jeremy Reif, CPRS

There are a lot of preconceived notions out there about what a retirement plan is and who it is for. Often, people assume that since their financial life is simple, they don’t need a fancy retirement plan. But asking if you need a plan is the wrong question. The right question to ask is, “What type of plan do I need?”

The Power of Planning

It all comes down to preparation. When was the last time you felt unprepared for something, whether it was a meeting at work or an event at your kid’s school? Now when’s the last time you ever regretted preparing ahead for an event or presentation? We’ve all experienced the stress of being caught off guard, and we’re familiar with the satisfaction that comes with being prepared and ahead of the game. Creating a retirement plan conjures up the emotions of the latter experience. Regardless of your income or age or the level of financial complexity in your life, you need a financial plan.

Think of it this way: imagine you are going on a road trip. Most of you would work through a checklist, making sure your car’s oil has been changed and the tires have the ideal air pressure. Or, you might skip the vehicle check but meticulously pack your luggage or research hotel amenities and local attractions. The plans and details might be in your head or neatly printed out or created by a travel agent, but they are plans nonetheless. There is no difference when it comes to financial planning.

A Financial Plan That Fits Your Life

Everything boils down to your level of comfort, your personality, and your financial needs. If you are planning to travel to a location you’ve never visited before, possibly somewhere in another country, you might work with a travel agent or other expert to take the guesswork out of the trip and make sure you don’t miss any vital steps or details. You know that vacations are investments and you want to get the most out of them.

We usually take plenty of trips in our lifetime, but we typically only retire once. A plan is essential if you want to get it right, especially if you don’t get a do-over. Even though there is a wealth of retirement information available online, what all the blog posts and calculators won’t tell you is how to plan for your unique situation. Your financial plan can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be, but the point is to prepare. Create a game plan for this major life event so you don’t have regrets.

Find The Right Direction

At Point Wealth Management, we help pre-retirees and retirees construct a plan that addresses all your retirement needs and concerns so you can be confident in your financial future. Our job is to uncover your goals, analyze your finances, and help you construct a plan for your retirement. We are here to help point you in the right direction.